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Fiber & Nutrition Blog

How Much Fiber Should I Eat

“How much fiber should I eat?” It’s an important question, considering how often you’ve likely heard that you should eat more fiber. When you eat the daily recommended fiber intake, you’re helping to keep your heart healthy, your digestion regular, and your weight in check. But most Americans don’t get enough fiber in their diets….Read More

There are two types of dietary fiber, each of which is important for helping maintain health in its own way.  Soluble fiber and insoluble fiber work in different ways in the body, but do their best work when they are teamed together.

It’s well-known that most Americans are fiber-deprived. Many people in the United States can benefit from adding fiber to their diets. But what is fiber, exactly? And what foods should you eat to add more fiber to your day? Fiber, sometimes referred to as roughage, is a complex carbohydrate found in plants. Fiber is found…Read More